How to Send and Receive Faxes Online Using Gmail

Long gone are those days of having to exchange information and send messages using physical fax machines. Let’s forget those dark days of the technological past and welcome Gmail faxing into our everyday lives. In this article, we will teach you how to send fax online through Gmail for free! It will only take you a few minutes to catch on, and soon you’ll know these steps better than how to take off your jeans after coming home from a long day of work. 

Without further ado, let’s get right in there and check out the steps below:

Create a Gmail Account

Since it’s called Gmail faxing, naturally, you would need to have a Gmail account set-up to start using their services. You would need to create an account sign up for an online faxing service since Google does not necessarily have a prioritized faxing service (yes, they outsource). All you need to do to establish an account are the followings:

  • Go to 
  • Select sign up to create your account
  • Complete the phone number verification
  • Enter the necessary credentials
  • Accept the privacy and terms
  • Input your password

Set-Up for an Online Faxing Service

Next thing you need to do after you’ve successfully created an account would be to get it approved by the online faxing service. Here are the necessary steps to do so:

  • Login in to your account
  • Start a new email message
  • Input the recipient’s fax number and domain like for instance
  • Attach your files and write the body of the letter
  • Once you’re done, click send

Receiving Online Faxes

Gmail Fax

Receiving faxes is way easier since you’ve already finished laying the ground-work. What’s really cool is that, unlike traditional faxing, you have to wait in line for the fax machine to process your document and transmit them via data wiring companies to be delivered to your recipient. Today, you can just use your mobile phones to send and receive faxes; it’s like having a fax machine installed inside of your smartphone!

The next best thing to their convenience is that they are completely free of charge! Isn’t technology wonderful? Here are the necessary steps to receive online faxes:

  • Set-Up your account
  • Select a fax number (local or toll-free)
  • Input your Gmail address
  • Provide your account details
  • Wait for incoming faxes from friends and colleagues

And don’t worry about committing since your Gmail address can be changed at any time. You can just sit back and relax and wait for faxes to storm your electronic gates. If you haven’t been using Gmail faxing before, you should be fully proficient in using them after reading this article.

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