fax machine Tech 

Reasons Why You Should Use Google Online Fax

As time progresses, technology advancements are gradually increasing. Faxing has been an effective method of communication, especially in businesses. If you are still using your old faxing machine, you are missing a lot on what technology has to offer.

Google fax is currently popular and is considered the most effective way of faxing in this time and age. Although it is gaining traction among many enterprises, Google online faxing is still considered a new concept.

It is usual for some to refrain from trying out something new without knowing all it entails. The article will be crucial in convincing you that Google online faxing is worth a try. Here are some of the reasons why you should highly consider using Google online fax.

It is Easy to Use

woman with laptopOne of the main factors that make using Google online fax ideal is that it is easy to use. Unfortunately, many are wrongfully made to believe that Google fax is complex mainly because it is a new concept. It is crucial to note that it will only take you a few minutes to master Google.

You need to have a Google fax number, and you can use Gmail to send and receive fax messages. The fact that you can use voice command through Google fax voice makes it simpler. Anyone with a computer or phone with access to the internet can use Google online fax.

It is Convenient

The second reason you should consider utilizing Google online fax is that it is convenient compared to the traditional way of faxing. If you have used a faxing machine before, you will agree that many things come into play. Fax machines tend to be large, which is one reason why most fax machines are in the office.

It is challenging to get fax machines everywhere you go. With Google fax, you can practically send and receive your text anywhere you go. If you are one of the many people who are always on the move, Google online fax will be more convenient than traditional faxing machines.

It is Cheaper

cashThe last reason why you should consider using Google online fax is that it is cheaper. Most enterprises want to save money to increase their profits. One way of doing that is cutting down the operational costs; this can be archived by using Google online fax. In addition, you will not have to buy fax machines, toners or papers; everything can be done through the internet.

As you now know some of the benefits of using Google online fax, you should give it a try.…

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vpn Business 

Tips for Choosing the Best VPN Service

Nowadays, people use VPN services for a wide range of reasons. For instance, they use them to hide their footprints and even secure their privacy. You should note that VPNs are now more affordable. When searching for the best VPN, you may be asking yourself, which is the best that suits your needs. You need to try out some digital tests or tests sur Opportunites Digitales. The following are some of the things you should consider before you buy any VPN service.

Protocol and Encryption

There are different reasons for using a VPN, and you ought to get the best service that suits your requirements. A lot of people use it for security purposes. That is why you ought to check whether a given provider offers excellent encryption. You should note that OpenVPN protocol is regarded to be one of the best as far as security is concerned. That is because it provides both speed and encryption in a balanced way. Although there are other protocols, this is the most advanced one. That explains why it is used by many VPN providers.

Data Logging

Although VPNs are used to protect privacy, you may be surprised to find out that the VPN service provider you choose stores your data. Some VPNs are known to store data such as connection timestamp, addresses, websites visited, and payment information. Ensure you read the privacy policy of a company before you purchase a service. Always choose a VPN provider that does not store logs.

Avoid Free Services

Although there are free VPN services, they are unreliable and slow. You should always remember that when choosing a VPN. Remember that a virtual private network is like a server through which your computer accesses the internet. Thus, it has to cost money. If a company provides a free service, it means that they compromise on something else. If security and privacy are the reasons you use a VPN, then you should keep off free VPN service providers.

Number of Servers

If you are planning to use a VPN to access location-restricted sites, then you need to consider the number of servers it has. You should note that some countries have restricted social networking websites and video streaming sites. If you have traveled to such a country, you can use a VPN to access the content you want. Therefore, you should check the locations of the servers to find out whether it meets your needs.…

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fax machine Faxing 

Advantages of Gmail to Fax Messaging

Technology has revolutionized how people relate, communicate, and even do business. For those who are into business, you already know those communication tools that make work easy. Excellent equipment like fax machines are among those devices that revolutionized how business documents are sent and received. But with tech improving every other day, using the conventional faxing machine will soon be a thing of the past. However, this does not mean that people will not be sending or receiving fax messages. Have you tried Gmail faxing? Yes, now you can send and receive fax messages using your Gmail account. And written in this article are some of the reasons and benefits you will get to enjoy when you connect your fax with your Gmail account.

Saves Time

Have you ever lost a client or an appointment just because you could not reply to your fax message on time? Having to go all the way to the office so that you can send a simple fax message can be time-consuming. In the modern digital world, everyone wants to be able to keep an eye on his or her job regardless of where they are. And with Gmail to fax messages. You will save time by receiving and replaying your messages instantly irrespective of where you are.


Do you love traveling, but still want to keep your business running smoothly? What this piece of merged tech does is to allow you to be able to receive and send business files regardless of where you are. You can be enjoying your holiday on a sunny beach but still be able to reply to your fax messages conveniently.

Ease of Use

With different software programs and tech advancement popping up right left and center, you may be thinking that Gmail to fax messaging is another one of those complicated things you have to learn. But that not true. Using this messaging service is easy and straight forward. All you have to do is get a fax number, link it to your Gmail account, and you are ready to go. As anyone will tell you, it gets no easier than this.


If you are running a startup business, then this will definitely sound like music to your ears. Using this messaging and file sending services is cost-effective. If you have been thinking of ways to keep your operating cost at a bare minimum, then you are welcome because you will be spending cents on sending bulk files.…

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fax machine Technology 

Top Benefits of Using Google Fax Services

In the current world, life has become amazing easy and faster, thanks all to technology. We no longer have to undergo a lot of stress while doing some tasks. For instance, sending faxes is no longer a tedious work like it used to be. Before the introduction of technology, sending faxes was such a daunting task. However, with technology sending faxes has been digitized and you can send your faxes via google fax services. This allows you to send your faxes easily and quickly.

All you need to have is access to the Internet and a Google fax number. You can know how to get a Google fax number by reading through and get details of this. The google fax number plays a significant role in sending faxes because it is required for easy retrieval of faxes. The google fax services have benefited in various ways. In this article, we explain why you require google fax services.

You Will Easily Access Your Reports

fax machineWith the conventional ways of sending and receiving faxes, sometimes it was a challenge to trace fax that was sent to you. You would waste a lot of time looking through to see if you will find the exact document you are looking for. However, with google fax services, you will be in a position to trace your faxes easily and quickly. This is because of the google fax number that you are given, and it will help you create a Gmail account. Therefore, once you receive any fax, the information will be notified on the google account. This means you will easily get sent and received faxes by using the Gmail account.

Gmail Fax Are Easy to Use and Convenient

faxIn the past, sending and receiving faxes entirely was dependent on bid fax machines and loading of papers. Similarly, you were forced to wait for long hours before you could get the fax that was sent to you. But with google fax services, you can get our fax in a few minutes. The google fax services have allowed individuals using the services to send and receive faxes within a short time. You will not need a confirmation number before you can access the fax sent to you.

Google Faxes Have Sufficient Storage

Storage of faxes conventionally was done using print papers. This forced people receiving faxes to have many files where they had to store the information. Many files piled together can use up a lot of space. In a case where you have a small office, then storing the files would be a problem. However, with google fax services, you don’t have to worry about storage space. This is because the faxes are in soft copy and are saved as files on your Google account.…

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keyboard IT services 

3 Must Have Services From An IT Firm


It’s difficult to envision the future without thinking about the role of Information Technology or IT, for short, in it. For this reason, there is an unprecedented rise in the number of firms offering IT services globally. If you live in Alberta, for example, all you need is to conduct an online search using keywords such as it services calgary and you will be spoilt for choice. Going for any firm can, nevertheless, land you a raw deal and sink you into losses.

Making the pick

IT servicesChoosing the best firm out of a billion possibilities is as daunting as putting a man on the nearest solar planetary system by the end of the year. An efficient way of this problem is to make your “IT services Calgary” search and then pick the best ten firms on first five or so pages of your preferred search engine. As you do this, be on the lookout for the IT firms that provide the following services:

  • On-demand IT services
  • Managed IT services
  • Cloud services

On-demand services

The IT industry is diverse. On-demand IT services form a significant chunk of the services that you need as an outfit or as individual who lives a tech-supported life. Note that as businesses use technology to run their day-to-day operations, so can you deploy the use of technology to run your house.

Heating systems and domestic security matters are examples of things that you can operate using your phone as a result of tech advancements. Hardware hiccups in domestic or industrial tech-supported environments require experts on the ground. Your IT firm of choice should consequently have a quick response team for the efficient provision of on-demand hardware related IT services.

Managed services

Has it ever occurred to you that running a tech-supported business or home using an IT firm that doesn’t offer managed tech services makes it difficult to predict the overall cost of your IT package? Managing an IT infrastructure means careful handling of software certifications which can escape your attention and land you in legal or financial problems.

Domain and contract managements, as well as warranty administration, are undertakings that you may need a special in-house team to undertake. It, however, means contending with a bloated wage and overhead bills. Contracting a firm with the right set of skills to offer exquisite IT services management is therefore worth considering when picking an IT firm.

Cloud services

questionYour company is as good as the data that backs up its operations. Since a medium enterprise or even an individual can have thousands of important files to store and retrieve at convenience, it’s commendable to have a reliable storage unit. Cloud server administration is subsequently an essential service that you can obtain from an affordable IT entity.

The firm should be able to help you choose and manage the cloud service that suits your needs. Other than extending exclusive discounts, it should help you understand the difference between public, private and hybrid cloud solutions to help you make informed decisions as move into a future that’s interwoven with technology.


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business Business and Technology 

Importance of technology in business

When it comes to running and managing a business the importance of technology is increasingly gaining momentum. This is an aspect of innovation that cannot be ignored and it is essential for business owners and companies to be up to date with what is happening in order to be relevant. This is because businesses are leaning more and more to the use of technology and the two are becoming impossible to separate. Below are some points on the importance of technology in business.

Technology in business

Communication with customers

Technology gives businesses and companies the ability to be able to communicate with both existing and potentialonline deal customers. It is essential for companies to be able to interact with their clients fast and clearly. Businesses that have websites allow clients to interact with them and get to know about the company and the products or services they provide. Through the FAQ – frequently asked questions page customers can get questions answered. The option of sending questions or having interactive chat sessions with the company is also a great way to engage the customers. This will have great benefits in better communication and create a good public image.

Operations efficiency

Technology also assists in helping better work interaction between colleagues in the company. Systems that are networked between departments help the workers in those offices to work better and effectively to ensure processes are moving. For instance, the warehouse and inventories department tracking of supplies that have been stocked will help the production department know how much they need to produce in order to meet demand. These two departments also work together with the sales department who ensure the products are moving. Thus, technology helps to synchronize and synergize work making it efficient for departments to work well.

Likewise, the use of technology systems like management information systems, accounting systems, the point of sales systems and other tools make the running of the business smooth.


Technology allows companies to keep their information secure and safe. The employment of passwords and restrictions of access to certain people enables a company to properly store confidential information and allow only what is relevant to certain people to be accessed. This allows a business to protect important data and information, strategies and execute its plans which in turn brings the growth of the company.

Technology is a link to the work

Technology The use of technology allows companies to be linked to the world. It enables businesses to have a wider reach to the global market and visible. The employment of innovations in the banking sector, customer care, resource management, payment, asset management and other areas of the business world makes the need and use of technology critical.…

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board Uncategorized 

Reasons to use a commuter scooter

Commuter Scooters are a good option for people who cover short distances every day. Just like the name suggests, commuter scooters are for commuting and are not just for fun. If you are wondering whether to buy a commuter e-scooter, then you should not hesitate anymore. In the past, scooters were common in Europe and Asia, but now all the other parts of the world are appreciating the benefits that scooters bring. If you are planning to commute for a short distance and you don’t want to walk, then you can use a scooter instead of your car.

Why use a commuter scooter

No more traffic jam

Traffic jams are a big challenge for people living in big cities. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to maneuverer through the traffic with a car. If you want to beat the traffic jam in the easiest way possible, then the best option is to use a scooter. A scooter is small in size, and you can use the pathways and get to your destination in the shortest time possible. You don’t have to spend hours in traffic if you have a commuter scooter.


Saving cost

Driving a car means spending money on fuel and with fuel prices going high every day it is even becoming worse. Today we have electric scooters, and you don’t have to spend money on fuel. You don’t have to use your car if you are going to work alone. A scooter will still help you reach your destination in a short time without spending a lot of money on fuel.

Look and feel young

Scooters are stylish and youthful. This is why you will realize that scooters appeal most to teenagers and kids. However, you don’t have to be a teenager to ride a scooter. Even adults can ride scooters to work and other places. Riding a scooter will make you feel and look young.

man using scooters

Get fit

If you want to practice some workout and fitness in the morning, then you can take your scooter to work. Unlike using a car, a scooter will keep both your physical and mental state fit. It is not as physically involving as walking, but it is still better than using a car. You can make using a scooter part of your fitness routine.…

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tech Software 

Advantages of using a network performance monitoring software

Managing the network performance is important especially if you have a business that you run online. Networks sometimes experience problems like downtime, slow loading, and other related issues. As a website owner, sometimes you might not identify problems in the network on time. You need a good monitoring software that will help you in determine and solve network problems in real time. Radview load test will help you determine the performance of your site. To gain success in business, your network should be in good working condition at all times. If you want to monitor your network, then make a point and look for a good performance monitoring software.

Network performance monitoring software benefits

Make the network more reliable

If your network is unreliable, then your clients will not take you seriously. Online stores and shops need to be operational at all times to avoid inconveniencing customers. Sometimes it is impossible to keep the network running at all times. However, you can try as much as possible to make the network more reliable by installing a monitoring software. A network monitoring software will give you warnings and alerts on how to improve the reliability of the network.


Maintain network security

Network security is a big problem to most of the website owners. You can never know who is trying to access your network at any given time. Most of the website and applications are huge investments that need to be protected from hackers and malicious people. With a network monitoring software, it becomes easier to monitor the performance of your network. You can easily determine who is trying to access your site and stop them before it is too late.

Determine performance and make improvements

Without a network performance monitoring software, it is difficult to determine the performance of your website or application. You might think that you are doing well while in the real sense your site is performing poorly. A good monitoring software will give you a proper breakdown of the performance. This provides you with all the necessary information needed to make improvements to your network.


Save cost

With a network monitoring software, it becomes easier to save on cost. You don’t have to lose money when your site experiences a downtime. Problems in the network are identified early in advance and solved as soon as possible.…

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PC Tech 

How to find the best PC repair shop in your vicinity


When looking for a computer repair shop, people are usually as skeptical as when they are looking for a nearby car repair shop. One thing is certain, there is definitely no shortage of computer repair shops, that are more than willing to take advantage of those, who simply have no other choice but to trust their services. In most cases, these shops overcharge, are not remotely interested in retaining you as a regular customer or are simply unwilling to devote enough time to properly repair your computer. However, things are not as grim as they might seem. In all towns and cities, all across the country, there are large numbers of hardworking and honest PC repair technicians, who are more than willing to diligently work on your computer’s problems and at very fair prices.

Finding such repair shops is not quite simple. You will have to take your time in order to search for them. To make the search a bit easier, we will help you with the following tips.

Ask around

repairing computerThis one is as simple as it gets. Word of mouth is almost always reliable. However, it is not always available. If you know people who have had problems with their PCs in the past, and have used the services of various PC repair shops, make sure to ask them about their impressions and experiences.

Scour the web

A more modern, and, perhaps, more effective method, would be to scour the internet, in search of various forums that deal with PC repair services in your city or neighborhood. An even better method would be to look for the official websites of the repair shops. Creating websites requires extensive skill and knowledge, and if a repair shop has a well-designed and user-friendly website, that means that the shop is run and staffed by serious professionals. These are probably experts, who care about their reputation and professional image, and who are ready to put in a great effort in order to preserve that reputation.

How to determine if it’s good or not?

First impressions are crucial. Check out their advertisements. Do they look professional and well designed? Does their business card look like it was made by someone skilled in their craft? Is the desk clerk willing to answer all your service-related questions? Does the shop itself look like a legitimate business, or some shady, basement operation? Depending on the answers to these issues, you will know whether the repair service is worth your money or not. Also, pay attention to the services they offer. Professional repair shops offer a plethora of services, such as hard drive replacement and cleaning, virus removal, laptop screen replacement, graphics card and processor speed tweaking and more. Make sure to avoid the shops that claim to specialize in a single service.

Other features

man fixing computerThere are also some other features that separate good shops from bad, and great shops from good ones. The first is turnaround time. Even though PC repairs can take some time, no one is willing to wait for months to get their PCs repaired. No repair should last for more than a few hours, or day or two, at max. Next up, pay attention to the warranty. A great shop will offer between 60 and 90 days of warranty; a bad one will not offer a single day. Lastly, check the pricings and whether a shop charges flat rates or by the hour. Either way, do some math and make sure it fits into your budget.…

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car dash cams Tech 

The best car dash cams

If you are in the market looking for a dash cam, then you have numerous options to choose. A dash cam can help you clear things out when you are involved in an accident. It can show who is responsible for the crash. Additionally, a dash cam gives you peace of mind when you are involved in an accident. Dash cams come in different forms; there are some with the forwarding facing lens, while others have a rear-facing lens. There are also car cameras with wide angle lens. Here are the best dash cams in the market.


Novatek NT96650 G1W

many  car dash camsThe Novatek makes it number one in the list of best cams. It is one of the cheapest dash cams in the market. It comes complete with a mini USB cable, windshield mount, car adapter and HDMI cable. Additionally, the camera has an HDMI output that enables you to connect it to your television. Adjusting the camera resolution and the screen duration is easy thanks to its 2.7 inch LCD. Not to forget that it has an accelerometer that helps in detecting if the car has been hit. If you are getting started with a dash cam, then you should buy Novatek NT96650 G1W.

Mobius action cam

The Mobius action cam is high quality and discreet cam. It is small in size, thus making it portable. Given it size, you can attach it to remote control panels, handlebars, drones and even helmet mount. However, it does not have an accelerometer, built-in screen, and GPS. The Mobius action camera just like the name suggests is an action camera. You can use the software in the camera to configure it to your Windows personal computer. To set your camera to the PC, you need a mini USB cable. The action cam’s mall size will not distract you or other motorists.

Papago P2 Pro

 car dash camsIf you are a professional driver, then the suitable dash cam for you is the Papago P2. It comes with an accelerometer that will save footages automatically. The accelerometer also shows you when you are not in your lane. Furthermore, the dash cam has driver fatigue alarm. The Papago P2 does not use a battery, but rather it uses a capacitor. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the camera overheating. The Papago dash cam has a big LCD screen of 2.4 inches. The downside of this camera is its big size.…

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domain website 

Reasons you should avail web hosting

One reason that you really need to look at when considering the power of a good web host is that it can get you on your business within moments, and have a presence whether or not it is offline or online is one of the most important things to consider when talking about the concept of the web host.

Another thing to note when you are talking about the web host is that it is easy for you to find one, there are dozens of them all over the internet on the first few pages of the search engine, and there are hundreds more available online that you can consider.

The customizability of these web hosting reviews that give you the option to project out your unique identity as a business and as a company allows you to customize this within seconds, and that is the true charm of an online web host.


typingWe of course also cannot ignore the cost involved when we are talking about a web host solution, and the savings that you can make on this are three-fold, making up three of the most crucial reasons for why you should be considering a web host for all your business start-up solutions. For one thing, the web host is a small percentage of the costs that you are going to pay for real-world rent. You are also not going to be tied down with monthly bills that include things like electricity, utilities, and even internet. The other thing is that your office would be prone to maintenance, something that you will not be getting when you are looking at the whole web host solution, so always consider this as one of the best ways that you are going to be able save money.

Technical help when you need it

There is always technical help when you need one, and it is focused and controlled to just one point of contact, and that is your web host provider. One thing you always need to understand is that also, there will be a negligible amount of maintenance for you to take care of and the bulk of it all are based on live systems that are being maintained on a daily basis.

You can cancel this service at any time

dataAnother reason is that you can cancel this service at any one point in time without having to worry about large deposits or contracts. You can also upgrade your services whenever you need to accommodate more space as your business grows, and this is one of the more important things you need to consider.
There are so many of these companies for you to choose from and you can switch over whenever you need to. You must understand that being able to be flexible with your choices is the most important thing when it comes to business, and the more control you have, the better it is for you.…

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gadget Tech 

Ecommerce Development With Magento

Choose your framework wisely

The content management system (CMS) used to develop the website has a huge influence on the site’s success or failure. The scale and size of your site regarding customers and products should be considered in choosing the content management system. For small e-commerce site with small product bases and little traffic also known as a blogging platform, you can develop using WordPress. For larger e-commerce websites with heavy traffic and large product bases, a CMS called Magento is suitable as it can hold a large capacity.

Build for redundancy

percentage If you intend to build a website that receives unique, different users every day you need to ensure that it is built for redundancy. Building for redundancy entails hosting the website on different servers and databases or using the content delivery network to host videos and images.

Friendly search engine optimization or user research locator

In today’s, would it’s all about optimization ensuring that your website is friendly and reachable to search engines as much as it can be. A critical feature of the search engine optimization is keeping the user research locator focused on the goal keywords. URLs of popular eCommerce websites i.e. Amazon and Zappos are very detailed and long. Include target keywords e.g. product name or product core feature in your URL so as to optimize the SEO. The framework chosen should use great on-site SEO ethics to ensure that the site is SEO friendly.

Have a detailed development and deployment plan?

It is time-consuming to build an e-commerce site. First, you have to develop the website then add products/services for sale and their respective descriptions this initial process can take months to finish. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare in advance a detailed plan of how to develop and deploy the website. Think and plan ahead of possible challenges you are likely to encounter and foster ways to mitigate the problems before they occur.

Adopt a simple sign-Up procedure

Users should take the shortest time possible to complete the sign-up process. Therefore, it should be as simple as possible. Facebook and Amazon are among the sites with simple sign up process, and this has led to higher adaptation rates and many users’ rather higher traffic on the site this resultantly leads to higher sales and improved revenue.

Outsource the development service

screenIf you do not have a team, it is cheaper and better, in the long run, to outsource from the professionals available than hiring new members of staff. Since they are outsourced, it would matter to them to deliver so that you can give a good recommendation.…

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